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15 Vista | 0 Commenti
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Identità personale

Age35 anni
qui aRelazione seria
livello accademicoNon specificato
Paese Stati Uniti d'America
City Dallas, Texas
origine Polonia
Stato civilesingolo
JobNon specificato

Il mio fisico e +

In cerca di uomo
Colore occhi marrone
Colore capelli nero
Tipo di corpo Normale
Formato 165 cm
peso 78 Kg
Avere figli No
Vuoi avere figli
Mosso dall'amore
La religioneChristian

un po 'di me

Hello, my name is Mary and i'm single no kid, leave in Dallas, primary from Poland. I will like to meet with an easy going,friendly and never worry man that is ready to take it over and take it all, My early years, which I remember only by parts, were interesting and careless. My childhood was happy because my parents devoted me a lot of time, they played with me and read books for me in the evenings. So I can say I was surrounded with love, care and attention.

Cosa mi aspetto dal mio partner

Hello, my name is Mary and i'm single no kid, leave in Dallas, primary from Poland. am here to know and meet with the most lovely, loyalty, honest, caring, understandable man that has the most lovely heart and sense of humor to complete my life.
I don't care about you distance and where you live or where you are from, how rich you her or poor does not matter to me, because if you think money can buy everything i never believe you because it's take grace, trust and understanding to find love.

I criteri che dovrebbero essere rispettati

Nessun criterio è stato personalizzato

Conoscere me


Non specificato

Gusti musicali

Non specificato

Sport preferiti

Non specificato


Non specificato

Come animali domestici?

Non specificato

Bevi alcolici?

Non specificato

Cucine preferite

Non specificato

Film preferito

Non specificato

Canzone preferita

Non specificato



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